It was an amazing time with the Lord, Who showed Himself to us as a Very Big God in our past, but more so in 2024 – when by divine orchestration, that seemed like chance, our Harvest Committee Chairperson come up with a theme that spoke to our circumstance as a chosen people with Whom Jesus Christ stood out, but more as, Emmanuel, our name. We all must thus be filled with exceeding joy and immersed in a spirit of thanksgiving for what we accomplished together as a body of Christ: in the people we touched through our Relief Fund outreaches and grants; the ministration unto souls through our spiritual events and services; successful hosting of a Synod, in a pioneering pace setting standard; hosting the General Secretary of the World Methodist Council, and the leader of South African Methodist Church, along with others in a special service of delegates to the African Methodist Council Conference; and of course signing of an EPC Contract for our Church building and commencing the building construction in earnest. Despite the economic uncertainties and rising challenges of 2024, we raised money like never before during in 2024, that in no small way enabled completion of payment for the deposit for the Church EPC Contract.
In all we reaffirmed one truth: Emmanuel Chapel (EC) is not just a place of worship, but a House of God and reflection of His Spirit – driven by an objective to do what Christ will have us do. This is not to say that we were not buffeted by various winds that delayed gratification and joy many sought; or weakened the resolve and faith of some; or dampen the spirit and commitment of others. So, for them we must all pray that they be renewed, and the manifestation of God’s promise be evident to them, in a clear fashion this year. 2025 holds its promise like every year, just as it carries with it baggage that could weigh us down: inertia, indecision, lukewarmness, tardiness, infidelity, and such like things that in themselves stunt spiritual growth, and by that material and physical things we seek. To them, (and those even resolved to press on ahead, to rise and shine), now is the time affirm and believe: we will rise again – in accordance with the MCN Conference 2025 theme, (taken form John 11:23B). By His grace, as you make this affirmation, the resurrection power of God will descend upon our Country, the Church, EC and you, to revive and resurrect all that needs newness, brings peace, restoration, joy, progress, comfort, good health, growth, fruition and contentment in the Lord. EC stands out for many good things we must be proud of, and this in itself calls on us for greater fervor, dedication, and sacrifice. As many watch us with different eyes, plans and feelings, we cast any dreams of ease away, nor resting on our achievements. Rather we must challenge ourselves to be the Temple of God: an oratory for prayer; a sanctuary for the lost, displaced, and disadvantaged; home for the lonely, weary and oppressed; means of grace of God; a place of healing; a vehicle of reconciliation and peace; an instrument of love; and an embodiment of Christian values.
Let us rise again as we did last year to build the Temple of God as a cynosure of His majesty. But this time acting with the skill of Bezalel and Oholiab; the drive and riches of Solomon; and the determination of Zerubbabel and Nehimiah. Like them ignore all odds, press on and build for the Lord.
Let these things fire us into action in 2025 committing to serve the Lord as best as we each can.
Very Rev. Konyin Ajayi, Chaplain