Father, we declare that we are blessed as a Church Family because we fear You, delight in obeying Your commands, and believe that Jesus Christ, the encompassing power and authority after the likeness of You our Father. Father Your command for us is that the storehouse of Your Church must be full and overflowing, to meet the needs of the Church and its sole mission as an embodiment of Your Son, the emanation of the Primordial Light Supreme – therefore Lord make all grace abound so Your Church may have all it needs for building up the body of the Church, and reviving the image and impact of The Church on mankind. Father, I know, according to Your word, that Your plans for finances of the Church is good so as to give us a future as a Church, and hope to build the Church as we ought. Grant that all Your elects may be abundantly blessed so they may sow generously into the Church willingly and joyfully as an act of thanksgiving – and thus without reluctance or compulsion. Father, charge the Hosts of Heaven to be with me, and work assiduously towards my success in all my endeavors, that may have enough to meet all my needs and my duty towards the Church. God, the Father of lights, every good and perfect gift is from You, so I am confident You will open the inner and outer gates of heaven and pour upon Your Church true riches.
Lord God Almighty, the Great I Am, grant that leaders of Your Church and all those concerned with administration of its funds are blessed with forthrightness, contentment and probity. Father, for those that have been chaste and honest, but now discouraged and disillusioned, keep them from losing heart, rather show them the need to carry on with the good work; keep them open and honest – keeping them above reproach, self-controlled, and content. Help all those that are wanting who have brought challenges to finances of the Church to turn away from their sinful ways; remove the love of money from their hearts, and make them honest in their dealings; and help them prove faithful with the things you have entrusted to them. Father, take away from the Church all that is wrought of corruption, iniquity and sin; cleanse Your Church of illicit wealth and arrest the use of it by some as a vehicle for money laundering. Father, bring an end to misuse of treasures of the Church for vain glory, for personal aggrandizement, for worship of man and mammon, and for personal gain. Free Your Church, Father Lord, of old mindsets, habits and behavior patterns that have created lack and poverty in Your Church. Lord God have mercy on all branches of Your Church that have been errant and brought spiritual poverty and financial insolvency – impeding the work of the Church in serving You and making the world a better place. May Your Church find sufficiency and wealth in all You provide through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.