In anticipation of the forthcoming 35th Annual Synod of the Trinity Church Council, hosted by the esteemed Eko Atlantic Circuit, anticipation fills the hearts of believers. Set to take place next month, the Synod promises to b e a transformative gathering, where participants will be called upon to heed the rallying cry: “Arise and Build for Christ.”

The theme resonates deeply, serving as a beacon of inspiration in an ever-changing world. “Arise and Build for Christ” encapsulates a multifaceted call to action —a summons to fortify oneself spiritually, to extend a helping hand to those in need, and to embrace the challenges of the modern age with unwavering faith.

Central to the Synod’s agenda is the exploration of how believers can navigate the burgeoning realm of Artificial Intelligence (Al) while remaining steadfast in their Christian values. Attendees eagerly anticipate delving into discussions, workshops, and seminars that will provide practical insights on integrating faith with technological innovation. Anchored in the timeless wisdom of Scripture, participants will seek to discern how to build their lives upon the unshakeable foundation of Jesus Christ.

Moreover, the Synod offers a unique opportunity for believers to come together in fellowship and solidarity, united by a shared commitment to rebuild and restore. As they gather in Emmanuel Chapel next month; Friday 12th of April to Sunday 14th of April. 2024, attendees will be inspired by the biblical narrative of renewal and redemption, fueling a fervent desire to uplift the broken, heal
the wounded, and restore communities ravaged by adversity.

This closed meeting of delegates will make its deliberations public in its Synod Communique. But more importantly, it will be open to online participation in its Al & Faith public lecture by one of its leading experts.

Join us online to listen and digitally interact with Dr. Adegbola as he breaks things down, shows how Artificial Intelligence (Al) is God’s hidden gem to the lost and trailing, and why those at the bottom must, with faith, get a handle on Artificial Intelligence (Al).

As the countdown to the synod commences, anticipation mounts among believers across the Trinity Church Council. With hearts ablaze with anticipation and spirits uplifted by the promise of renewal, they eagerly await the opportunity to come together, to learn, to grow, and to answer the call to ‘Arise and Build for Christ’


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