Give ear, O heavens, as I say my adoration to God Almighty, the Rock, Whose work is perfect; Whose ways are justice; a God of truth, The Only Righteous One, the Great Creator, the Ancient of days Who shakes the earth, Who made the seas by His heavenly decree; the King that dwells in heaven with the earth as His footstool; the Immovable Rock worthy of worship; the Almighty, the Most Gracious, the Greatest Excellency; God that can neither be carried nor lifted, that is resplendent in honor and greatness – I adore You and magnify Your holy name. Loving God by whose words and decree my present is and my future more glorious, I worship You. Hear, O earth, the praise words of my mouth; let my adoration drop as the rain; my praise worship distill as the dew, as raindrops on the tender herb, and as showers on the grass – as I proclaim the name of the Lord: and ascribe greatness to Him for He is worthy to be adored and praised. Lord God, Who through the Holy Spirit manifested in my life, I give thanks with everything saying – God, the Authority, the Uncommandable Commander, the Mightiest One Who dwells in the graceful heart of the Christian – I adore You and magnify Your holiness. O Holiness, God Almighty, the sustainer of the universe, He that covers Himself with all that is good, Who spreads His honour all over me, and all that is mine, I praise You, I adore You, I worship You and shall magnify You in all ways, and will do so all my life and in all I do, and do not do and in all I say and do not say, by the special grace of Jesus Christ, in Whose name I pray. Amen


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