Abba, Yahweh Hessed, God of forgiveness, Lord Almighty King, the All Powerful One, the Uncreated Creator, Father All-Glorious, Majestic Life Giver from above, God Most Awesome, Most Merciful God of spotless purity – I kneel before You, upon this invocation of You, seeking forgiveness of my sins, because I know by Micah 7:18, that there is no one like You, Who pardons the guilt of the remnant, overlooking the sins of His people. Thus, Lord, I plead that You should not stay angry with me, rather pity my broken spirit and impart in me true penitence, and let a kindling glance from You beam upon my contrite and bleeding heart, so it may be cured of sin. Father, have compassion on me, and trample my sins under Your feet and throw them into the depths of the ocean never to rise in me again. Lord God, be propitious unto me, and do not despise me on account of my sins. Rather, Lord God, think on the blood of Your Son shed for mankind, forgive me and save me; succour me, even me, the work of Your hands, and pour down on me Your pardoning grace. I pray Lord God, by Your Holy Name, Yod He Vau He, to banish from me the darkness of ignorance, the sins of the mind, the wrong in my actions and iniquity in inaction; and enlighten me by Christ the Light, taking away from me all evil desires; and instead cast Your sheltering arms around me to save me for ever from sin now having forgiven me. Lord God, as my spirit longs for You, grant that I may see my will and desire for remission, pardon and forgiveness of sins accomplished, by Your sovereign grace, and Your ineffable and eternal love, through Jesus Christ, Who is and Who will be for ever the Pure and Ineffable Saviour of all. Amen
